A experiência de modernização do site e da intranet da Biblioteca da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo (FSP/USP)

Abdalla, E.R.F

A experiência de modernização do site e da intranet da Biblioteca da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo (FSP/USP) = The experience in modernizing the site and the intranet of Faculdade de Saúde Pública’s Library of the Universidade de São Paulo (FSP/USP)

The FSP/USP’s Library constructed its first HTM page in the internet in 1996, publishing in virtual format the institutional guide. After three years, it launched a site with on-line catalogue access and CDS/Isis databases, and offered other services to its users through the intranet In 2003, from a reorganization of processes and the Library’s actual necessities, we decided to change the site into another environment and make a content and language adaptation, facilitating its use for users The aim of this study is to tell the experience in modernizing the FSP/USP’s Library site using an edition and administration software, to best meet the users’ necessities Through the BIREME’s partnership in the Virtual Health Library, it was used the BVS-Site, a web based software which allows to create and manage a VHL , its structure and contents. The Library’s catalogues and its cooperative databases were carried to the new site and an area of restricted access for employees and users was developed. The on-line services were adjusted to the new environment, and the database of users, used by the loan system, was integrated to the management of the intranet

Serviços de informação
Informática em Saúde Pública
Integração social

Repositórios Digitais

Repositório Institucional Digital do IBICT (RIDI)
Livro aberto (Portal do Livro Aberto em CT&I)
Aleia (Repositório de dados de pesquisa do Ibict)

Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD)


Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT)
SAUS Quadra 05, Lote 06 - Bloco H


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