A study employing a technique for matching the cognitive styles of graduate students specializing in school librarianship with the cognitive style of the "ideal" media specialist, resulting in a suggest career counseling model

McIntire, Susan Joyce

A study employing a technique for matching the cognitive styles of graduate students specializing in school librarianship with the cognitive style of the "ideal" media specialist, resulting in a suggest career counseling model - 129 p.

especialista da informacao

023 / M152s
Repositórios Digitais

Repositório Institucional Digital do IBICT (RIDI)
Livro aberto (Portal do Livro Aberto em CT&I)
Aleia (Repositório de dados de pesquisa do Ibict)

Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD)


Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT)
SAUS Quadra 05, Lote 06 - Bloco H


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