Analysis of the informal communication patterns among professionals in agricultural research and extension service activities

Curvo Filho, Placido Flaviano

Analysis of the informal communication patterns among professionals in agricultural research and extension service activities - 246 p.


Orientador: Morris, Thomas G Orientador: Morris, Thomas G

This study concerns the informal communication patterns among professionals in a macrosystem of agricultural STI development and flow. The investigation includes researchers (generation subsystem) and state specialists, area agents, and country agents of the Cooperative Extension Service (dissemination subsystem) in on of the Land Grant Universities. The purpose of the study is 1) to determine whether or not the informal communication relations among the groups of professionals in the macrosystem occur as formally arranged by the organization administration and 2) to study the informal unofficial key elements (high communicators) in the person-to-person communication structure. The data were gathered through personal interviews based on a pre-tested questionnaire and the data analysis based on socimetric techniques

Bibliotecas--Serviço de extensão

025.5-052:631 / C981
Repositórios Digitais

Repositório Institucional Digital do IBICT (RIDI)
Livro aberto (Portal do Livro Aberto em CT&I)
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Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD)


Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT)
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