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Mattelart, Armand (Personal Name)

Formato preferido: Mattelart, Armand
Usado para/ver:
  • Cabeçalho anterior: Matterlart, Armand
  • Mattelart, A. (Armand)
  • Mattelard, Armand

His Manual de análisis demográfico, 1964.

His La culture contre la démocratie? 1984: t.p. (Armand Mattelart) cover (A. Mattelart)

Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02 (b. 1936)

Diversidad cultural y mundialización, 2006: title page (Armand Matterlart)

Filosofía en español website, September 5, 2019: (Armando Mattelart; born 1936 in Belgium; sociologist; lived in Chile (1962-1973) in the service of the Catholic Church and France; studied law and political science at the Université catholique de Louvain; studied demography at the Institut national d'études démographiques (France); went to Chile in 1962 to work at the Universidad Católica de Chile; formerly affiliated with the Centro de Estudios de la Realidad Nacional (CEREN), Universidad Católica de Chile; returned to Paris in 1974 and became a professor at the Université de París VIII Saint-Denis; author of several works including Manual de análisis demográfico and La culture contre la démocratie?)

Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, volume 10, number 1, 2013: pages 34-49 (Armand Mattelart worked for many years at the universities of Paris 8 and Rennes 2 until his retirement in 2005; author of several major works in media and communication theory, including (in English translation), World communications : a history of strategies and ideas (University of Minnesota Press, 1994), Networking the world, 1794-2000 (University of Minnesota Press, 2000), and the globalisation of surveillance (Polity Press, 2010);

Une anthologie en trois volumes (1970-1986), 2015: volume 1, page 335-346 (Armand Mattelart; born 1936 in Jodoigne, Belgium; lived in Chile (1962-1973))

Universidad de Málaga website, September 5, 2019: (Armand Mattelart; born in Belgium; lived in Chile (1962-1973); author of several works including Diversidad cultural y mundialización and La culture contre la démocratie?)

Repositórios Digitais

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Livro aberto (Portal do Livro Aberto em CT&I)
Aleia (Repositório de dados de pesquisa do Ibict)

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