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Construindo as bases para um centro nacional de informação em economia da saúde no Brasil

Por: Colaborador(es):Salvador : National Institutes of Healt : National Library of Medicine, 2005Título traduzido: Building the basis for a health economics national information center in BrazilAssunto(s): Recursos online: International Congress on Medical Librarianship - ICML, 9th ICML9 Abstracts of the 9th International Congress on Medical LibrarianshipResumo: Health Economics (HE) studies, the best conditions of available resources distribution to assure the population the best care and health quality, taking into consideration limited means and resources. The necessity of efficiency and effectiveness of the governmental action in the decentralized management of the health system, as well as the increasing technological incorporation in the health sector, establish the urgency of the development and consolidation of the HE field in Brazil
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Health Economics (HE) studies, the best conditions of available resources distribution to assure the population the best care and health quality, taking into consideration limited means and resources. The necessity of efficiency and effectiveness of the governmental action in the decentralized management of the health system, as well as the increasing technological incorporation in the health sector, establish the urgency of the development and consolidation of the HE field in Brazil

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Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT)
SAUS Quadra 05, Lote 06 - Bloco H


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