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Por: Salvador : National Institutes of Healt : National Library of Medicine, 2005Título traduzido: Cooperative cataloging: purposes, advantages and disadvantagesAssunto(s): Recursos online: International Congress on Medical Librarianship - ICML, 9th ICML9 Abstracts of the 9th International Congress on Medical LibrarianshipResumo: Since its conception the cataloging aim is to create and organize information to promote the access and use of the information. The informational explosion placed the Librarianship in a scenery that obligated itself to review its concepts, adopting the new technologies facets, to get adapted to the human informational necessity, in the common sense way and in the scientific area as well. Nowadays, the diary appearing information volume is a fact that deserves prominence. To make it possible to these information develop its functions it’d be interesting if they were internationally interchanged, hastening and amplifying their access forms just like does the cooperative cataloging, which is presented as an Librarianship activity and informational retrieving facilitating agent. The adopted methodology was the MARC21 bibliographic database structure description. The NBR 10524 rule, which refers to the title page standards, was compared to the Anglo American Cataloging Rules 2nd edition. The objective of this comparison was to verify the coherence between the codes. The verification of the bibliographic records standardization in the databases occurred by the analysis and comparison of bibliographic records from Library of Congress, Online Computer Library Center and BIBLIODATA. Questionnaires were sent to the public universities librarians and to the publishing houses members of the Sindicato Nacional dos Editores de Livros, to verify the grade of familiarity of the librarians in respect to the cooperative cataloging, and the rule NBR 10524 from Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas using situation. It’s verifiable that the cooperative cataloging has been neglected in several aspects since the elaboration of the title page until the librarians conduct face to this activity that is an intense quality indicator of any informational service
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Since its conception the cataloging aim is to create and organize information to promote the access and use of the information. The informational explosion placed the Librarianship in a scenery that obligated itself to review its concepts, adopting the new technologies facets, to get adapted to the human informational necessity, in the common sense way and in the scientific area as well. Nowadays, the diary appearing information volume is a fact that deserves prominence. To make it possible to these information develop its functions it’d be interesting if they were internationally interchanged, hastening and amplifying their access forms just like does the cooperative cataloging, which is presented as an Librarianship activity and informational retrieving facilitating agent. The adopted methodology was the MARC21 bibliographic database structure description. The NBR 10524 rule, which refers to the title page standards, was compared to the Anglo American Cataloging Rules 2nd edition. The objective of this comparison was to verify the coherence between the codes. The verification of the bibliographic records standardization in the databases occurred by the analysis and comparison of bibliographic records from Library of Congress, Online Computer Library Center and BIBLIODATA. Questionnaires were sent to the public universities librarians and to the publishing houses members of the Sindicato Nacional dos Editores de Livros, to verify the grade of familiarity of the librarians in respect to the cooperative cataloging, and the rule NBR 10524 from Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas using situation. It’s verifiable that the cooperative cataloging has been neglected in several aspects since the elaboration of the title page until the librarians conduct face to this activity that is an intense quality indicator of any informational service

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