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Projeto de Desenvolvimento da Categoria Terminológica do Domínio Vigilância Sanitária no DeCS

Por: Colaborador(es):Salvador : National Institutes of Healt : National Library of Medicine, 2005Título traduzido: The Development of the Terminological Category in the Domain of Sanitary Surveillance ProjectAssunto(s): Recursos online: International Congress on Medical Librarianship - ICML, 9th ICML9 Abstracts of the 9th International Congress on Medical LibrarianshipResumo: A Controlled Vocabulary in Sanitary Surveillance developed by ANVISA, with the purpose of permitting the use of common terminology for searching in three languages, providing a consistent and unique environment for the retrieval of information regardless of the language. It was developed from the DeCS - Health Sciences Descriptors - was created by BIREME for use in indexing articles from scientific journals, books, congress proceedings, technical reports, and other types of materials, as well as for searching and retrieving subjects from scientific literature in LILACS, MEDLINE and other data bases. Its main objective is to serve as a unique language for indexing and information among the components of the Latin American and Caribbean System on Health Sciences Information, coordinated by BIREME, and that includes 37 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, permitting uniform communication within approximately 600 libraries in the region. The concepts that characterize the Vocabulary in Sanitary Surveillance are organized in a tree structure allowing a search on broader or narrower terms or on all terms from the same tree within the hierarchical structure. According to the focus determined in the delimitation of the wideness of range in its activities, ANVISA has been troubled about requisites as clarity and precision. What comes to increase the importance of the creation and structuring of a controlled vocabulary that will be changed into a guide to a more effective research in the seek of scientific titles and articles
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A Controlled Vocabulary in Sanitary Surveillance developed by ANVISA, with the purpose of permitting the use of common terminology for searching in three languages, providing a consistent and unique environment for the retrieval of information regardless of the language. It was developed from the DeCS - Health Sciences Descriptors - was created by BIREME for use in indexing articles from scientific journals, books, congress proceedings, technical reports, and other types of materials, as well as for searching and retrieving subjects from scientific literature in LILACS, MEDLINE and other data bases. Its main objective is to serve as a unique language for indexing and information among the components of the Latin American and Caribbean System on Health Sciences Information, coordinated by BIREME, and that includes 37 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, permitting uniform communication within approximately 600 libraries in the region. The concepts that characterize the Vocabulary in Sanitary Surveillance are organized in a tree structure allowing a search on broader or narrower terms or on all terms from the same tree within the hierarchical structure. According to the focus determined in the delimitation of the wideness of range in its activities, ANVISA has been troubled about requisites as clarity and precision. What comes to increase the importance of the creation and structuring of a controlled vocabulary that will be changed into a guide to a more effective research in the seek of scientific titles and articles

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