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Indexing glossary : a new rationale

Por: Série: FID. Publicationtorio ; 405Frankfurt : Indeks Verlag, 1982Descrição: 38 pAssunto(s): Resumo: Description of the rationale and methodology of a pilot project to prepare a terminologically-glossary as a part of a continuing process designed to enable specialists in the field of classification and indexing to define and designate unequivocally the concepts that they need to used in their professional work. The reasons why ordinary glossaries, typically based on the model of a general language dictionary, are inherently incapable of meeting the needs of specialists are explained.A different approach, based on the results of the UNESCO-sponsored INTERCONCEPT pilot project, and the subsequent work of the Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis (COCTA) of the International Social Science Council, is described, with illustrations taken from a confidential draft of a glossary for indexing currently in preparation by a score of specialists in half a dozen countries. Interested readers are invited to volunteer to work in the further development of this project
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Description of the rationale and methodology of a pilot project to prepare a terminologically-glossary as a part of a continuing process designed to enable specialists in the field of classification and indexing to define and designate unequivocally the concepts that they need to used in their professional work. The reasons why ordinary glossaries, typically based on the model of a general language dictionary, are inherently incapable of meeting the needs of specialists are explained.A different approach, based on the results of the UNESCO-sponsored INTERCONCEPT pilot project, and the subsequent work of the Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis (COCTA) of the International Social Science Council, is described, with illustrations taken from a confidential draft of a glossary for indexing currently in preparation by a score of specialists in half a dozen countries. Interested readers are invited to volunteer to work in the further development of this project

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