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Importance of information resources in national development with particular reference to the Asian scene

Por: Colaborador(es):Série: IFLA ; 104-REG-1-E[S . l : s.n.], 1985Descrição: 13 pAssunto(s): Resumo: Defines information and examines its role in decision-making. Planning which involves decision-making is a prerequisite to the national development. In view of the importance of information in national development a number of developing. Asian countries have established information systems and services which suffer from some complex problems some measures have been identified to overcome these problems
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Trabalho apresentado na Conferencia GeraL da IFLA em Chicago, 1985

Defines information and examines its role in decision-making. Planning which involves decision-making is a prerequisite to the national development. In view of the importance of information in national development a number of developing. Asian countries have established information systems and services which suffer from some complex problems some measures have been identified to overcome these problems

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