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OJS in Brazil : A report on Ibict's implementation and technology transfer of PKP's OJS [apresentação]

Por: Vancouver : 2007Assunto(s): Recursos online: PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2007 Public Knowledge Project ConferencesResumo: This paper describes the 4 year experience of Ibict (Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, a Brazilian government research institute) with Open Journal Systems, from the implementation of the software with its own hosted journals to the technology transfer to scientific journal editors and support to national users. It describes the technical cooperation between PKP and Ibict, the translation experience, an overview of the status of scientific publishing in Brazil, the technical issues faced working with past and current OJS versions, the technology transfer framework developed and issues encountered, as well as a forecast of what the future may hold for the software in Brazil. The user base of over 130 scientific journals and counting, at the time of this writing, requires a greater understanding of the system, as well as a well-planned support project to assist this highly diverse, and complex, target user base and provide a quality service to achieve the greater objective: to allow open access to Brazilian research worldwide
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This paper describes the 4 year experience of Ibict (Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, a Brazilian government research institute) with Open Journal Systems, from the implementation of the software with its own hosted journals to the technology transfer to scientific journal editors and support to national users. It describes the technical cooperation between PKP and Ibict, the translation experience, an overview of the status of scientific publishing in Brazil, the technical issues faced working with past and current OJS versions, the technology transfer framework developed and issues encountered, as well as a forecast of what the future may hold for the software in Brazil. The user base of over 130 scientific journals and counting, at the time of this writing, requires a greater understanding of the system, as well as a well-planned support project to assist this highly diverse, and complex, target user base and provide a quality service to achieve the greater objective: to allow open access to Brazilian research worldwide

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Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD)


Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT)
SAUS Quadra 05, Lote 06 - Bloco H


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