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Studies in coordinate indexing

Por: [S.l.] : Documentation, 1953Assunto(s):
v. 1. Theory and practice of documentation. The functional approach to bibliographic organization. Specificity in subject headings and coordinate indexing. Unit terms in coordinate indexing. The choice of terms for a uniterm coordinate index. Alphabetic subject indexes and uniterm cordinate indexes. Classification and categorization in information systems. Logical structure of cordinate indexing. Substitutes for the card catalog. Evaluation on information systems for report utilization. -- v. 2. Machines and classification in the organization of information. Comparison of numbers in a uniterm system. The machanization of coordinate indexing. A coordinate index for nuclear data. Application of uniterm system for preparation of multilingual indexes. The problem of the machine assiciation of ideas. The actual and potential association of ideas in information systems. An extension of the algebra os classes for the association of ideas. The preparation of manual dictionaries os assiciation. Networks of association. -- v. 3. Communication theory and storage and retrivial systems. Cost as the measure of efficiency of storage and retrivial systems. Cost of generic coding. The logic and mechanics os storage and retrivial systems. Some notes on coordinate indexing and its logic. Problems in the application of uniterm coordinate indexing. Documentation in instrumentation. The semantic fog
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v. 1. Theory and practice of documentation. The functional approach to bibliographic organization. Specificity in subject headings and coordinate indexing. Unit terms in coordinate indexing. The choice of terms for a uniterm coordinate index. Alphabetic subject indexes and uniterm cordinate indexes. Classification and categorization in information systems. Logical structure of cordinate indexing. Substitutes for the card catalog. Evaluation on information systems for report utilization. -- v. 2. Machines and classification in the organization of information. Comparison of numbers in a uniterm system. The machanization of coordinate indexing. A coordinate index for nuclear data. Application of uniterm system for preparation of multilingual indexes. The problem of the machine assiciation of ideas. The actual and potential association of ideas in information systems. An extension of the algebra os classes for the association of ideas. The preparation of manual dictionaries os assiciation. Networks of association. -- v. 3. Communication theory and storage and retrivial systems. Cost as the measure of efficiency of storage and retrivial systems. Cost of generic coding. The logic and mechanics os storage and retrivial systems. Some notes on coordinate indexing and its logic. Problems in the application of uniterm coordinate indexing. Documentation in instrumentation. The semantic fog

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