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Scientific and technical communication in Brazil : statistical indicators for primary publications

Por: Colaborador(es):Washington : ASIS, 1980Assunto(s): American Society for Information Science. Meeting (43. : 1980 : Anaheim) proceedingsResumo: A study to develop statistical indicators of scientific and technical communication in Brazil was designed in 1978, so that planners and policy makers might be able to access the nation's information resources. As part of the study, a ten-year series of primary publications data was collected from existing and available sources. These data - on books, dissertations, patents, journal and articles by Brazilian authors published abroad - are presented and interpreted, showing an increase in the production of primary documents in Brazil
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A study to develop statistical indicators of scientific and technical communication in Brazil was designed in 1978, so that planners and policy makers might be able to access the nation's information resources. As part of the study, a ten-year series of primary publications data was collected from existing and available sources. These data - on books, dissertations, patents, journal and articles by Brazilian authors published abroad - are presented and interpreted, showing an increase in the production of primary documents in Brazil

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Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD)


Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT)
SAUS Quadra 05, Lote 06 - Bloco H


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