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Brazilian bibliographic production in communication : on preliminary study of PORTDATA

Por: Sao Paulo : ECA/USP, 1993Tipo de conteúdo:
  • text
Tipo da mídia:
  • unmidiated
Tipo de armazenamento:
  • volume
Assunto(s): Scientific Conference of the International Association for Mass Communication Research (18. : 1992 : Guaruja) Communication for a new world : brazilian perspectives : papersResumo: The Brazilian Databases of Communication Research and Policies (PORTDATA) has being developed, since 1989, by the Centre of Documentation of Communication in Portuguese-Speaking Countries of the Brazilian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies of Communication (PORT-COM/INTERCOM) with the co-operation of the School of Communications and Arts of the University of Sao Paulo (ECA/USP). This database has adopted the technical recommendations of International Network of Documentation Centers for Communication Research an Policies (COMNET) for computerized information systems of the information and documentation centers. In 1991, an important stage of PORTDATA was reached with the availability of bibliographic production information from 1984 to 1990 and part of 1991
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The Brazilian Databases of Communication Research and Policies (PORTDATA) has being developed, since 1989, by the Centre of Documentation of Communication in Portuguese-Speaking Countries of the Brazilian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies of Communication (PORT-COM/INTERCOM) with the co-operation of the School of Communications and Arts of the University of Sao Paulo (ECA/USP). This database has adopted the technical recommendations of International Network of Documentation Centers for Communication Research an Policies (COMNET) for computerized information systems of the information and documentation centers. In 1991, an important stage of PORTDATA was reached with the availability of bibliographic production information from 1984 to 1990 and part of 1991

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Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD)


Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT)
SAUS Quadra 05, Lote 06 - Bloco H


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