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A study on information systems in agricultural sciences : data bases and selective dissemination of information

Por: Halifax : 1978Descrição: 232 pTipo de conteúdo:
  • text
Tipo da mídia:
  • unmidiated
Tipo de armazenamento:
  • volume
Assunto(s): Créditos de produção:
  • Orientador: Matthews, Frederick White
Nota de dissertação: ^aDissertacao^bMest. Library Service Delhousie University Resumo: Selective Dissemination of Information services require an understanding of the systems and data bases available. Studies have been conducted in order to try to determine the benefits of having both the AGRICOLA and CAB data bases as a means of providing a current awareness service for the user community of EMBRAPA. There experiments were carried out in attempt to measure serial titles overlap, languages covered by both data bases, most frequent serial titles, and coverage of non-serial publications. The overlap between the data bases shows that AGRICOLA has a higher percentage of duplication but the presence of both in the same SDI service is nevertheless justificable
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^aDissertacao^bMest. Library Service Delhousie University

Orientador: Matthews, Frederick White

Selective Dissemination of Information services require an understanding of the systems and data bases available. Studies have been conducted in order to try to determine the benefits of having both the AGRICOLA and CAB data bases as a means of providing a current awareness service for the user community of EMBRAPA. There experiments were carried out in attempt to measure serial titles overlap, languages covered by both data bases, most frequent serial titles, and coverage of non-serial publications. The overlap between the data bases shows that AGRICOLA has a higher percentage of duplication but the presence of both in the same SDI service is nevertheless justificable

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