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Power and thechnology in medical libraries : a study of selected participants in the IAIMS program

Por: Austin : 1996Descrição: 304 pAssunto(s): Créditos de produção:
  • Orientador: Sheldon, Brooke E
Nota de dissertação: ^aTese^bDout. em Filosofia University of Texas Resumo: This study had the objective of answering two research questions:(1) what are the critical factors that contribute to making the library powerful in the parent organization? an (2) how and why di technology-based projects and services affect the power of the library in its parent organization? To answer these questions case studies were conducted in four medical libraries which were participants in the Integrated Advanced IntegratedManagement Systems Program of the National Library of Medicine. The theoretical basis for the study was drawn from studies on power in organizations at the structural, behavioral an individual level of analysis. The implementation of technology-based projects and services was a major manifestation of processual power and also impacted institutional power. In addition to that, technological factor motived the leaders to acquire power, facilitated the implementation of strategies used for power acquisition, and reinforced existing power. Other dimensions of power, perceptual, budget, positional and participative power, were limited by structural factors and were only marginallyaffected by technology-based projects and services.a model of power which integrates all the dimensions and sources of power is proposed
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^aTese^bDout. em Filosofia University of Texas

Orientador: Sheldon, Brooke E

This study had the objective of answering two research questions:(1) what are the critical factors that contribute to making the library powerful in the parent organization? an (2) how and why di technology-based projects and services affect the power of the library in its parent organization? To answer these questions case studies were conducted in four medical libraries which were participants in the Integrated Advanced IntegratedManagement Systems Program of the National Library of Medicine. The theoretical basis for the study was drawn from studies on power in organizations at the structural, behavioral an individual level of analysis. The implementation of technology-based projects and services was a major manifestation of processual power and also impacted institutional power. In addition to that, technological factor motived the leaders to acquire power, facilitated the implementation of strategies used for power acquisition, and reinforced existing power. Other dimensions of power, perceptual, budget, positional and participative power, were limited by structural factors and were only marginallyaffected by technology-based projects and services.a model of power which integrates all the dimensions and sources of power is proposed

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