Cuenca, AMB

Capacitação de Usuários da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde Pública = Training in access and use of the Public Health Virtual Library - 6p

It is presented a training module for users interested in access and use of virtual libraries. Specifically, it is presented the Public Health Virtual Library Course, part of the Library Educational Program of the Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo (FSP/USP), which is organized in several forms for professors, undergraduate and graduate students, health services staff, and other people who work on health promotion. Since 1993, the Library Educational Program of FSP provides training in use all the technologies of access to the information sources available for the user at the Library. Thus, throughout these years, the Program has created several categories of courses, according to the users’ demands. The FSP University Extension Department asked the Library to include a Public Health Virtual Library Course in the FSP Summer Program, which provides updating and extension courses for health professionals from all the parts of the country. Then, in 2002, the Summer Program included a 15 hour course about the Public Health Virtual Library for 20 participants. This course is in its 4th edition, was inserted in a simpler form in the Library Educational Program, and it other people from public health services administration and community radios have applied for it. This work aims to describe these several categories of the Public Health Virtual Library Course included in the Library Educative Program FSP/USP and adequate, in terms of extent and duration, according to health professionals and community demands

Biblioteca virtual
capacitação de usuários
